Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Nonlinear Optics Software

Software can be useful for many calculations and simulations in the area of nonlinear optics. For example, it can calculate details of phase matching and simulate the power conversion in a nonlinear crystal or the whole operation of a parametric oscillator.

ERelated encyclopedia articles: nonlinear optics, laser development

Related products: optical design software

Related product categories: calculations, software and design

6 suppliers for nonlinear optics software are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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CompanyProduct Description

RP Photonics Consulting GmbH

Waldstr. 17
78073 Bad Dürrheim
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 7726 3 89 22 60
Fax: +49 7726 3 89 22 62

The RP Fiber Power software can simulate supercontinuum generation in optical fibers. Moreover, RP Photonics has various nonlinear optics software tools for use in consultancy. Example: systematic calculation of all phase-matching configurations in a nonlinear crystal.

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CodeSeeder KG

Ketzergasse 354/1/3
1230 Vienna

CodeSScientific - Photonics

Source Codes for Scientists and Engineers
118 Bufflehead Way
Ottawa, ON, K1T 0G3
Tel.: +1 613 806 6441

Optiwave Systems Inc.

7 Capella Court
K2E 7X1
Ottawa, ON, K2E 7X1
Tel.: +1 613 224 4700
Fax: +1 613 224 4706


21, rue mademoiselle
75015 Paris
Tel.: +33 171 50 57 94

RP Photonics Consulting GmbH

Waldstr. 17
78073 Bad Dürrheim
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 7726 3 89 22 60
Fax: +49 7726 3 89 22 62

The RP Fiber Power software can simulate supercontinuum generation in optical fibers. Moreover, RP Photonics has various nonlinear optics software tools for use in consultancy. Example: systematic calculation of all phase-matching configurations in a nonlinear crystal.

Simphotek Inc.

211 Warren Street
Newark, NJ 07103
United States
Tel.: +1 973 621 2340

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